Dave Matthews Band Fan Site

2008 DMB News

Farm Aid - Sept 20th, 2008 at Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA

July 15th, 2008

It was announced nearly two months ago that the annual Farm Aid concert would be performed on September 20th, 2008. In a press conference this morning John Mellencamp announced that the concert will be held at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA.

On Wednesday, July 16th at 11am EDT, FarmYard members will be able to login and attempt to purchase two tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. These great seats are set aside for our loyal FarmYard members.

Tickets will be available to the public via ticketmaster on July 28th. 

Headlining the show as always will be board members, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews. Additional artists for the show have yet to be announce but Farm Aid's official site will have all the current news and updates about the event. 

Dave Matthews has been part of Farm Aid for many years performing with the band and joined the Farm Aid Board of Directors in 2001. playing solo from that point on until Tim Reynolds joined him on stage in 2007

Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985 to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on their land.

Farm Aid has raised more than $30 million to promote a strong and resilient family farm system of agriculture. Farm Aid is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to keep family farmers on their land.

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