Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


So Damn Lucky (mp3)

(2003-08-06) (dave solo) (wav file) (63.6M) - first time played

(2003-09-04) (dave solo) (7M) - first time played as an opener

(2003-11-08) (SNL) (dave & friends) (8M)

(2007-08-18) (dave solo) (7.2M)

(2007-08-23) (dave solo) (10.2M)

(2007-09-29) (dave solo) (8.5M)

(2008-05-30) (11.7M) - first time played full band

(2008-06-14) (15M) - extended outro

(2008-07-05) (17.1M) - extended outro

(2008-08-19) (15.2M) - extended outro

(2009-04-24) (17.6M)

(2009-06-01) (18.5M)

(2009-08-14) (17M)

(2009-09-25) (19.3M)

(2010-02-28) (30.4M) - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) outro

(2010-06-04) (25.4M) - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) outro

(2010-06-18) (27.8M) - Digging a Ditch and Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) outros

(2010-06-23) (24.4M) - Digging a Ditch outro

(2010-07-16) (31.8M) - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) and Dreamgirl outros; released on The Big Apple bonus disc

(2013-07-02) (15.8M)  - Digging a Ditch interpolation

(2014-06-14) (15M) - acoustic; Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) outro