January 23rd, 2008
dontburnthepig.org has added a donation link to the forums and the main site and we would like to ask you to consider making a small donation toward the maintenance and future upgrades for our site.
Your donations will be going towards ONLY the costs to run and maintain the site.
dontburnthepig.org exists because of our passion for the Dave Matthews Band, which we want to share with you...
DBTP has come a very long way since the birth of the website in September of 2006. We have worked hard to provide DMB fans various DMB resources and we plan to expand on the features and content of the site and the forums.
How do I donate?
Paypal donations can be sent to djurzimcp@comcast.net - or by clicking the "donate" button at the top of the navigation toolbar on the forum.
You can also find a button on the left hand column of the main website under the navigational links.
Questions about donating?
CLICK HERE to read more about donations.
Our goal for dbtp.org include: