Dave Matthews Band Fan Site


Love of My Life (mp3)

Dave and Carter guested on this song on Santana's 1999 album Supernatural. They guested with Santana and his band on the song on 4.8.00, which appears on Santana's 2000 DVD release Supernatural Live.

(1999-03-14) (dave & tim) (7.6M) - first time played; with Carlos Santana (electric guitar)

(1999-05-26) (16.4M)  - with The Lovely Ladies, Béla Fleck (banjo), Benny Rietveld (bass),Butch Taylor (keyboards), Carlos Santana (electric guitar), Chester Thompson (keyboards) and Karl Perazzo (percussion)

(1999-05-29) (14.5M) - with The Lovely Ladies, Béla Fleck (banjo), Benny Rietveld (bass),Butch Taylor (keyboards), Carlos Santana (electric guitar), Chester Thompson (keyboards) and Karl Perazzo (percussion)

(1999-06-01) (10M) - Dave and Carter guest with Santana

(2000-04-08) (11.2M) - Dave and Carter guest with Santana

(2001-05-18) with Carlos Santana and Karl Perazzo (12M)