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Let You Down-- no way!

By now most of us have heard the story about how Dave pulled out the tune, Let You Down, a few nights ago. ( He has now, actually, played it twice) just in case you haven't heard the story goes like this:


Some fans were talking to Dave's voice coach prior to the show. 

The coach made comment about how the band can really feel the energy of the crowd and how much they feed off it. 
One fan said - If they really want to feel the die hard fans go through the roof, you should practice Let You Down With him! 
Thirty minutes later, Dave switches guitars ,in the middle of a song, a plays Let You Down!  
After the show the voice coach finds the fans and said Dave couldn't believe they wanted to hear that song and decided to play it for the die hards!  

Has there ever band that has catered to their fans as much as DMB?

 They jam longer, play louder and pay fines if they go past city curfews... All because of our feedback. They change the setlists everyday so we can see a different show each and every night. They allow us to take pictures, video, and record at their shows. They even change songs midstream because a few diehard fans mention it to his voice coach.

It is amazing that a group that has the crowd in the palms of their hands gives back to us so easily.

They meet with fans is the most casual ways. Dave stopped and asked for directions to the nearest pub in one city along the way of this tour, knocking on the car drivers side when he noticed a Firedancer sticker on the back window. They all pose for pictures with fans, they talk on Twitter, share on Instagram and tweet on Twitter. We can't forget the bike story from last year either... Need a lift to your own show Dave? Sure , strap your bike onto the back of a fan's car and hop right in!

Does this happen to other bands? If it does it certainly isn't making the news.

DMB is unlike any other !

They could never Let us Down.  


Uploaded by tankthearmytank on 2015-07-18.