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American Firedancer

The Fourth of July is the birthday of our country. We celebrate it each year with picnics and backyard barbecues, boating and days at the beach, and evenings with bonfires and fireworks that light up the sky.

This year, as mentioned before, was a weekend for many music lovers that will forever be remembered as epic. With thousands in Chicago- deadheads from near and far, to thousands in Saratoga Springs, New York, jamming to Dave Matthews Band along with special guests Bela Fleck and The Lovely Ladies. 

Of course, this weekend as we celebrate our country, the United States of America, many people are being sworn in as citizen into this country, as we do every year.  And every year it is a ceremony that emotes pride for all those involved. It is not an easy path for some and each and every person that is at the ceremony has a story to tell. Stories of how they came to America, how they made the decision to become a citizen and how they are eager to take the oath they took today. Some have had to leave behind family, culture, and friends, yet feel the hope and excitement of becoming an American. Others shed tears of joy as they step into a new chapter of their life with possibilities and freedoms they may have never had before. 

Not long ago , Dave Matthews himself was asked to speak in Monticello for the 51st Independence Day and Naturalization Ceremony for the induction of new citizens. It seemed appropriate since he was born in South Africa and became an American Citizen as a young man. He had a lot to say and was honored to be part of the ceremony. A link has been added to this article of Dave Matthews' speech and of a conversation discussing immigration, citizenship and Thomas Jefferson.

Prior to the concert that was held this weekend there was speculation as to which song DMB would perform with the theme of this Amercan holiday. Cry Freedom was played N2 and a bit of Yankee Doodle was even heard intertwined with another song. DMB again, did not disappoint! 

Today, thousands return home, from Chicago and New York still basking in the music and all they experienced this weekend. Let us also remember how our country has grown, evolved and continues to let freedom ring! 



Dave Matthews, lead singer and songwriter for the Dave Matthews Band, was the featured speaker at the 51st Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello.


Dave Matthews, lead vocalist and guitarist for the Dave Matthews Band, was the featured speaker for Monticello's 51st Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony on July 4, 2013. After the ceremony, Matthews shared his thoughts on immigration, citizenship, Thomas Jefferson, and being at Monticello for the 4th of July in an interview in front of the Cabinet, Jefferson's study.